We can’t say the words “business time” around here without breaking into Flight of the Concords’ song “It’s Business Time.” If you don’t know the song, you might just want to hop on over to YouTube and take a listen. Definitely take a listen, especially if you need a good laugh today.
While you’re listening, check out our new business cards for Tera Janelle Design! It’s been a pretty exciting day around here. Granted, the business cards are simply a few words and a box-with-the-letter-T, but that box and few words say “Hey, we’re here design world!” and that feels pretty awesome.
It feels a bit surreal to finally be launching Tera Janelle Design, a real-life-business concept only 13 years in the making [TeraJanelle.com]. And it’s here on the blog we’ll be documenting our day to day projects in interior design, our sources of inspiration, and our crazy late-night DIY projects.
THANK YOU for stopping in to celebrate our journey. We are so thankful for your support. We hope you’ll follow along as we take this crazy ride. Cheers to all that is to come!